Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Water Bottle Label Template

photo from Ruffledblog.com
Recently, when I was planning our son's college graduation party, I kept seeing personalized water-bottle labels.  But when I went to make them, I couldn't find any templates anywhere.  
I really thought I needed one.  

If you are looking for one, HERE is a basic template to start with.  Yellow & Blue were G's college colors.

I have posted a template below that has a  
UPC symbol 
personalized nutrition facts (cute!).
photo from ehow.com
But it turns out that I didn't really need a template!  Really, I was so worried about it - I guess because of all of the other party details - that when I sat down to create one, it was just all about decorating a rectangle!  

How simple is that??
But I'm attaching two templates here, anyway.  Just know that you can resize and re-color them any way you want.   The link above is to the blue and yellow backgrounds that I used to match my son's school colors.  

When I was looking, I finally found THIS template on Ruffledblog.  

This template has a  
UPC symbol & personalized nutrition facts (like: Love instead of calories - so cute!).

Ultimately I used just regular computer paper - 
but be aware that if the regular paper gets wet, 
the ink WILL run.  

So if you have time to buy waterproof paper, you should.

OfficeDepot.com sells Xerox Waterproof Paper, 
or you can buy if off the web from a place like WaterproofPaper.com. 

Thanks for stopping by, and
I hope you get the chance to be creative today!

...from Lori@Kitchenfunk

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